Im Oktober 2012 erkrankte der Amerikaner Tyler Snow. Um zu überleben, war eine Knochenmarkspende erforderlich. Glücklicherweise wurde ein passender Spender gefunden. Es war Andre Bohlen aus der Norderwieke in Wiesmoor. Dessen Knochenmarkspende wurde im Juni 2013 an Tyler Snow übertragen und der ist mittlerweile wieder gesund.
links: Andre Bohlen rechts: Tyler Snow |
v.l.: Tristan Nott, Tyler Snow, Andre Bohlen |
v.l.: Nadiya Sayenko, Jenelle,Rod & Tanner Snow, Tristan Nott, Tyler Snow, Andre Bohlen |
v.l.: Andre und Annchen Bohlen, ihre Eltern, Karl Bohlen und Doreen Beekmann als Dolmetscherin |
v.l.: Doreen Beekmann, Annchen und Karl Bohlen, Annchens Eltern, Andre Bohlen, Tyler Snow, Jenelle Snow, Nadiya Sayenko, Rod Snow, Tanner Snow, Tristan Nott, Tylers Freundin |
Wiesmoor-info wünscht gute Fahrt, einen angenehmen Aufenthalt in Europa und eine sichere Heimkehr!
After the many horror reports of this year, a very gratifying event is to be reported at the end of the year.
In October 2012, the American Tyler Snow fell severly ill. A bone marrow donation was necessary to survive. Fortunately, a suitable donor was found. Donator was Andre Bohlen from the Norderwieke in Wiesmoor. His bone marrow donation was transferred to Tyler Snow in June 2013 and Tyler is now healthy again.
Now at the end of the year, Tyler Snow (23) with girlfriend Tristan Nott, brother Tanner, both parents, Rod & Jenelle Snow and exchange student Nadiya Sayenko came to Europe. For two days they are guests with family Bohlen in the Norderwieke, where among other things a cozy tea hour in the garden house took place.
Afterwards The Snow family will be heading southwards by minibus.
Wiesmoor-info wishes you a good trip, a pleasant stay in Europe and a safe return home!